2 min quick Wacom sketch on Adobe Photoshop , haven't done this in a long time. i'm finally back from year long hiatus. ima try to keep this going from now on .
The other they I came across these hip hop graffiti portraits of Biggie Small, Tupac, and Big Pun. My reaction was extremely surprise. In HK you hardly see graffiti or any sort art on the walls, plus the images were of US rap artist..
These three men have one thing in common the relevance of the lyrics created and how each of their fan base identified with the messages that were being conveyed.
The ability of each of these rappers to entertain as well as inform kept their record sales in the millions.
The other week went over to a friend house, and had some really good homemade Korean food. Probably the best Korean food I ever had. Her mother, who was currently visiting, cooked it all. She gave everyone her entire recipe. Really nice of her. Bibimbap was one of the dishes she made. Bibimbap is served as a bowl of warm white rice topped with tone of vegetables and ground beef. A raw or fried egg are common additions.